Zazzle introduced their foil cards in time for everyone to start designing their Christmas greeting cards on them. There have been some amazing designs showing up already by the talented designers that use the site.
I had a White Christmas inspired card design that I had planned to put on a card this year and I thought it would work on the foil card nicely as well.
This is the design on a ‘normal’ Christmas card (above) and here is what it turns out like on a silver foil card….
I quite like the foil effect, but I also love the detail that the non-foil card has – which is your favorite?
The foil cards are also available in gold foil as well as silver and to be honest it looks like the gold foil is more popular than the silver. Here’s one I created quickly (using an image available in creative commons along with a font found on Zazzle) so that you can see what the effect looks like.
Have you made any foil greeting cards yet and do you have a preference between the silver and gold – personally I like them both and think it’s just a case of which one suits the design best.
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One of the first designs I remember doing using an image from Creative Commons is this vintage winter snowman Christmas card. Vintage Christmas Card
It shows three gorgeous children building a snowman and I fell in love with the image.
Unfortunately as this picture was in the public domain and able to be used by anyone I knew that there was a chance lots of other people would be using this image on various POD companies. I had to think of what I could do to keep the great image and yet make it a little different from anyone else’s image.
I created this image a long time ago with an old computer that had the now discontinued Picture It! program on it. I put a filter onto the image which is what gave the image the round, part circles around the outside. As soon as I saw that I fell in love as in my mind it was like looking through a snowball heading towards this happy group.
It has been a popular design and makes me nostalgic for Microsoft Picture It! as this is the second time I’ve ‘developed’ a popular design with the program – the other one was my Sydney Harbour Bridge design. Having said that I do love my Photoshop so I’d better not complain too much!
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Well it’s nearly December which means the holiday season is well on it’s way to us, so do you have all of your Christmas cards, decorations, gift wrap, fashion and (mustn’t forget) gifts all organized yet?
I thought I’d wrap up a few ideas for you to help with your Christmas list this year. First up both Redbubble and Zazzle are great places to look for unique gift ideas and Zazzle in particular has lots of items that can easily be personalized.
Let’s look at Christmas cards first, I know that over the last couple of years I’ve received more e-cards or just messages on social media, but there’s something special about sending and receiving actual Christmas cards that’s very special.
Great Christmas Card Ideas
People first started sending Christmas cards in the Victorian times which means that we’re now in the third millennium that have used Christmas cards – the 1800s, the 1900s and the 2000s – that’s some pretty cool history right there!
There has never been more selection for Christmas cards than now so here’s a few ideas for you –
There are lots of other Christmas cards available at The Cool Card Shop.
Christmas Ornaments
There are so many different Christmas ornaments to choose from that it’s hard to know what theme you want to use to decorate your tree or if, in fact you’d prefer a mishmash of themes.
There are lots more themed ornaments for you to choose from including some owl ones I featured on a previous post about Owl Christmas Goodies!
Personally I think the Christmas Tree Ideas website has the best selection of themed Christmas ornaments and for other Christmas tree ideas you could check out their facebook page.
While we’re talking about Christmas decor there’s always soft furnishings to make your home festive –
Once the house is sorted it’s time to check out everyone’s Santa list which leads me to ……
Christmas Gift Wrap
There are lots of ideas for Christmas gift wrap from the traditional wrapping paper to a myriad of different wrapping ideas for the holidays. I’ve come across a really good Pinterest board that has ideas for Christmas Gift Wrapping –
As I said before Zazzle and Redbubble are great places to look for gift ideas and another place for a unique gift idea is Etsy, although I do have to warn you Etsy makes time disappear!
If you want to really get in the mood for Christmas then a Christmas outfit is a great idea. Now not everyone should dress up as Santa or an Elf, but there’s no reason why you can’t wear a Christmas T-Shirt or Hoodie.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my Christmas roundup and that you are now organized for the holiday season – Merry Christmas from Lous Designs!
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If you’re after some vintage Christmas postage stamps then I have a few Zazzle sets here that you should enjoy. These sets include matching Christmas cards, Christmas envelope labels and postage stamps.
I am planning to bring you regular posts of Zazzle sets for you comprised of both my own designs and other peoples.
My vintage Christmas designs are based on creative commons images and here are a few of my favorites for you to enjoy –
This vintage rosy cheeked child and his newly made snowman is a gorgeous image for a vintage Christmas card and to be able to carry the image over to matching address labels and a Christmas postage stamp is great.
If you like the look of them then all you need to do is click below to buy them –
Want these gorgeous items? Well I don’t blame you I absolutely love the idea of a snow dog! If you want this snowman couple and their pet dog to come and stay with you this holiday season then you just to to click on these links –
If you like the look of this little vintage girl next to a very spiffy looking winter snowman then you’ll want to know where to get this matching Christmas stationery –
In case you can’t guess I really do like snowmen on my Christmas greeting cards!
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